Late bus and inaccessible roads

Route 707 Andrea Robicheau serving Weymouth and Saint Mary’s Bay Academy is unable to access Lewiston Road, Doty Road and Kinney Road Robicheau Road is inaccessible, Riverview Road, Bear River is inaccessible for any routes that travel these roads. Route 922 (Kelly Villeneuve) serving Digby Elementary and Digby High School is unable to access the back roads on his route

Technology Work Request Form

Please use this form to enter work requests for all technology-related items. Technology work requests are assigned to an IT Support Specialist based on location, and prioritized based on urgency.

If you have an urgent issue, please call Ricky Doucette @ 902-749-5815.

For PowerSchool or TIENET Issues, please contact Todd Wallace @

  • Choose your school or location.
  • An automated response will be sent to the provided e-mail address. Technical staff may contact you for further information. Any communications related to the work order will be done through the e-mail provided.

    **TCRCE Staff should use their e-mail address.**

  • Used to copy your supervisor if required.
  • Please enter your room #, if applicable
  • In the subject line, enter a brief description of the issue - eg. Install Software – Room 215
  • In the description, include as much detail as possible about the request, any steps taken to try to resolve any issues, the location of the computer or device, the location of any software that is to be installed, and any other information related to the request
  • Hidden
    Is this a piece of assistive technology distributed by Student Services?
  • Hidden
    Is this a request for a summer school student?
  • ** Please note: Technicians may request additional information in order to assist in completing the work. Dialog related to a Technology Work Request will take place through e-mail communication. If a response is not received within 10 days, the work request will be rejected on that basis.

    When a work request has been completed, you will receive an e-mail confirmation that your request has been resolved.

Technology Services

Eliott Fevens
Coordinator of Technology Services
Jamie Robicheau
Supervisor of Technology Services
Craig Crosby
Director of Operations
Ricky Doucette
I.S. Administration and Support Officer
Steve LeBlanc
I.S. Administration and Support Officer
Roslyn Paulick
Administrative Assistant - Operations