Late Busses

Route 715 (Andrew Weaver) serving Saint Mary’s Bay Academy is running approximately 30 minutes late Route 711 (Kyle Surette) serving Weymouth and and Saint Mary’s Bay Academy is running approximately 30 minutes late

Pre-Primary Registration Now Open

Registrations for 2022-2023 Now Open

TCRCE is now welcoming registrations for September 2022. Due to our essential visitor policy during COVID-19, we are now offering an online registration for parents and guardians.

Registrations are now being accepted for Pre-Primary, along with new Primary to Grade 12 students. In order to be eligible to attend Pre-Primary:

  1. your child must be at least 4-years-old on or before December 31 in the year they start Pre-Primary and families need to live in the catchment area of the school for which they are registering.
  2. children are also eligible to attend if they will turn 5 years old on or before December 31 and had not attended Pre-Primary previously.

For planning purposes, we encourage registrations by April 30, 2022.

The online registration form can be found at