Late Bus

Bus Route 407 (Angie Mahaney) serving Hillcrest Academy & Shelburne Regional High is running approximately 30 minutes late due to mechanical issues.

inSchool is a project to implement a common, integrated, province-wide solution to manage, analyze and report on roughly 135,000 students. The system has replaced a number of smaller, incompatible, department, board and school-based systems.
The system tracks student attendance, behavior and achievement. It also tracks demographics, school and student schedules, manages specialized services, and effectively provides the information educators require in day-to-day operations and for strategic planning. The Student Information System (SIS) provides information to make timely and informed decisions in the areas of student programs, policy and achievement. It supports important programs and initiatives such as literacy and math development, the Program of Leaning Assessment for Nova Scotia (PLANS) and a host of other programs and initiatives.
Regional Staff
Todd Wallace
Coordinator of Information Systems and Technology Integration