Late Busses

Route 715 (Andrew Weaver) serving Saint Mary’s Bay Academy is running approximately 30 minutes late Route 711 (Kyle Surette) serving Weymouth and and Saint Mary’s Bay Academy is running approximately 30 minutes late

CLT Changes for 2022-23 School Year

We are updating the way we organize our Collaborative Learning Time (CLT). For the 2022-23 school year, CLT days will now consist of eight, 120 minute early dismissal days. This is a change from previous years, where we had fourteen, 90 minute early dismissal days. For a full list of CLT days please view the 2022-23 school calendar here.

The increased length of CLT time will provide staff with an opportunity to increase productivity while creating less impact on student and family schedules. On CLT days, some schools will be maintaining their regular schedule and ending the day two hours early, while others will be condensing their day. In the coming weeks, you can expect to hear from your school directly on how CLT days will be organized, and if lunch will be worked into the day.

What is Collaborative Learning Time? A professional learning community, or CLT, is a group of educators who meet regularly to share expertise, look at student data, work collaboratively to improve teaching practices, and support the academic performance and well-being of students. To ensure your child doesn’t miss any instructional time, all other school days have been extended by a few minutes each day.