Regional Executive Director's Collective Efficacy Blog

We are defining collective efficacy as our RCE’s shared belief in its capability to organize and implement the actions required to improve student achievement and wellbeing. Having a stronger sense of collective efficacy will strengthen our collaboration, create additional momentum, and encourage innovation within TCRCE.

This is not a ‘new initiative’ with its own, original content. It is an opportunity to align our existing initiatives. The intent is to create a clear, focused direction that will lead to collective purpose. It’s an opportunity to look at where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going.

Our project is a deliberate effort to build a shared belief that we, as a Regional Centre for Education, positively impact student achievement and wellbeing by supporting students, monitoring our own wellbeing, and practicing equity.

The Collective Efficacy focus supports TCRCE’s System Improvement plan and brings further coherence to a number of initiatives already happening in the RCE. Though it is a focus unto itself, it consists of a number of parts that are already happening in TCRCE.

TCRCE’s System Improvement Plan outlines strategic actions aimed at improving student achievement and wellbeing. TCRCE’s Collective Efficacy focus is a deliberate, focused effort to create a greater sense of shared responsibility for the System Improvement Plan and belief in our ability to carry it out. This enhancement in shared responsibility and efficacy will assist in driving the work forward and improve our sense of resilience as we encounter obstacles.

  1. Leveraging the recent TCRCE Wellness surveys to plan responsive actions that will deepen the connection between staff wellness and collective efficacy.
  2. Leveraging data we have collected through the Ancestral Roots reboot (around the experiences of our ANS learners) to create shared responsibility and efficacy around our ability to provide equitable experiences for all learners.
  3. Use other, existing data to enhance our practices.
  4. Use initiatives developed by Education Services
  5. Reinvigorate our use of social media to build strong community amongst staff.

There will be ongoing, focused activities that orient staff to how they make a difference for students, and how they can continue to grow in this area. It is about having people feeling competent and confident in how they are contributing to student achievement and wellbeing, leading to more growth, collaboration, and positive risk taking.

Each week, the RED will document successes in TCRCE. This will include the intent of certain initiatives and how we feel they have built/will continue to build collective efficacy. Blog posts will start with initiatives that started in the not-too-distant past, and then catch up to current initiatives. This is a deliberate attempt to track our progress over time and demonstrate how we are building collective efficacy.

How do we know?

  • 3 min read
Recently, as part of our ‘school start up’ meetings with school administrators, I had the pleasure of being able to speak with the group. Though...
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Picture of Dr. Chris Boulter

Dr. Chris Boulter

Dr. Boulter is the Regional Executive Director for the Tri-County Regional Centre for Education.