
How do we know?

Recently, as part of our ‘school start up’ meetings with school administrators, I had the pleasure of being able to speak with the group. Though there were many themes that would have been relevant to explore, I centered my presentation on a question.  The question was “How do we know?”. How do we know whether …

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Using Data Wall celebrations as a strategy to increase Collective Efficacy

One piece of collective efficacy we wanted to focus on within the Region was celebrating small wins. Talking about data walls meant talking about results. Often times, assessment results meant discussing what our areas for growth were. Intended or not, we created a pattern of thinking through our ongoing professional actions; talking about how students …

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Ready Shoot Aim – Developing our System Improvement Plan

As TCRCE began to prepare its System Improvement Plan in the Spring of 2019, it necessitated a deep look at our existing data and evidence of progress. Several areas for growth related to student achievement were identified.  The development of the plan was more than an opportunity to point out what needed improvement, but also …

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Letter from Dr. Boulter

Dear TCRCE Families: As you are likely aware, many of our local communities have been impacted by the ongoing fisheries dispute. It’s important we take a moment to recognize our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Providing a safe and inclusive learning environment in our schools is always our first priority. We acknowledge that all of …

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