RD – Operations

Eliott Fevens
Coordinator of Technology Services
Jamie Robicheau
Supervisor of Technology Services
Samantha Muise / David Linkletter
Bus Dispatchers
Jamie Boudreau
Coordinator of Property Services
Katelyn Boudreau
Administrative Assistant to the Coordinator of Transportation
David Buckland
Coordinator / Manager of Occupational Health and Safety
Cindy Cottreau
Transportation Planner
Craig Crosby
Director of Operations
Troy Crowell
Manager of Transportation
John Doucette
Supervisor of School Safety
Ricky Doucette
I.S. Administration and Support Officer
Trevor Harris
Supervisor of Trades
John Hogg
Supervisor of Property Services
Steve LeBlanc
I.S. Administration and Support Officer
Catherine Muise-Deveau
Maintenance Planner
Roslyn Paulick
Administrative Assistant - Operations
Dale Royal
Coordinator of Transportation
Chris Steward
Transportation Supervisor